The ISA regulations to introduce the new Lifetime ISA (LISA) came into force on 6 April 2017. The Lifetime ISA was a totally new type of ISA with separate reporting requirements and differs from other ISA types in many aspects including the new concept of individuals making current year payments into the Lifetime ISA rather than ISA subscriptions. This workshop should be especially useful for ISA managers who are already offering the Lifetime ISA and wish to ensure that their staff are aware of the key rules, and also for those managers that are anticipating or considering offering the Lifetime ISA in the near future.

This online workshop is designed to provide ISA managers with a detailed overview of the key Lifetime ISA rules. It should be noted that the material will only provide a very brief overview of the new digital reporting as this is of a very technical nature and there isn’t the scope within the workshop to cover all the technical data involved with the reporting. Lifetime ISA managers will need to liaise directly with the relevant HMRC technical team with any specific reporting issues.