TISA becomes UK’s first membership organisation to publish its United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Benchmark Conducted in Collaboration with the Disruption House
September 28th, 2023, London. In collaboration with The Disruption House, The Investing and Saving Alliance (TISA) has completed a comprehensive assessment of its sustainability practices, including evaluating TISA’s alignment with the UN’s Global Core Indicators. The output from The Disruption House analysis will enable TISA to improve its sustainability decision-making processes and strengthen its accountability to all stakeholders. Interested parties can access the key summary findings here.
Key highlights from the assessment demonstrated that TISA is making significant progress towards 5 of the UN SDGs: 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) 9 (Industry Innovation and Infrastructure), 10 (Reduced Inequalities) 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). TISA has also recognised the need to strategically improve alignment with Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) as a result of the benchmarking exercise.
Carol Knight, CEO of TISA UK, commented. “A key part of TISA’s role is to promote the financial wellbeing of UK Consumers. Sustainability transparency is increasingly seen as a key differentiator in choice of provider as independent research shows that customers perceive how a company treats its employees, community, and environment as an indication of how they will be treated.”
TISA’s collaboration with The Disruption House reflects their commitment to supporting their members in their ESG initiatives and goals. Through this partnership, TISA offers assistance in building ESG capabilities, supporting limited in-house resources, updating previous ESG work, conducting health checks to identify gaps, and prioritising actions.
Ms. Knight continued, “The Disruption House evaluation process was an enlightening experience which provided actionable insights into our internal processes. I believe publishing the results of our benchmarking exercise further demonstrates our relentless quest to ensure sustainability practices are embedded across the financial services sector. I would encourage our members to consider the benefits of conducting their own analyses.”
Rupert Bull, CEO and Founder of The Disruption House concluded. “We applaud TISA for advancing the UN’s SDGs and highlighting the benefits of transparent reporting. This approach contributes to accelerating the financial services sector’s efforts to address pressing global issues encompassing environmental, diversity and inclusion challenges.”